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What is Root Canal Treatment?

Before there was refined sugar, teeth problems were practically unknown. After cane sugar and corn sugar became a part of our everyday food – that is, once humans developed a sweet tooth, the real teeth took the brunt of this newly developed taste. The sugar in sweet foods and beverages sticks to the teeth and becomes food for a host of microbes. These microbes secrete acid after feasting on the sugar that eats away the protective tooth coating causing cavities. When left untreated, the cavities deepen and expose the nerves present in the root of the teeth, causing toothache.

  • The Treatment
    The only way to treat this condition is by performing a root canal treatment, other than tooth extraction of course. The treatment, abbreviated as RCT, saves the tooth by removing the soft tissue, disinfecting root canals and then, filling the cavity with an inert material. This procedure obviously involves a fair bit of drilling and prodding. Many people with a toothache dread the prospect of getting this procedure done on because of the many anecdotes about the amount of pain involved.
  • Is it Painful?
    A root canal treatment does not need to be painful though. A skilled endodontist (root canal specialist) can perform an almost painless treatment. Local anesthesia, or a similar numbing agent is employed so that the patient hardly feels anything. A typical sitting for an RCT is around thirty minutes. Within hours of the treatment, the effects of anesthetic wear off, until which time the inflammation of the treated root canal subsides considerably and the residual pain is almost non-existent.
  • Where Can I Get It Done?
    Any dentist in Delhi should be able to perform basic cavity-filling, but may refer you to an endodontist if the infection has reached the root of the tooth. It is important to ascertain whether the dentist performing a root canal procedure is an endodontist. Another important thing that should be noted before going for the procedure is whether the clinic has the latest equipment required for the treatment to be painless.

Those who have existing conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes or are on any kind of medication, such as blood thinners, should inform their dentist before the treatment. A dentist may prescribe antibiotics to be taken for a period of time before and/or after the treatment.

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